We’re looking for someone to join the executive board as the appointed “Director of Telecommunication & Web Development”. This position has the following responsibilities:
- Work with the Communications Zone to obtain, post, and distribute information concerning NSBE activities on the chapter website, social media accounts and list serve.
- Update and post all chapter information on the website, social media accounts and list serve in a timely manner.
- Be abreast of the latest web technologies and apply when necessary to the chapter website for improved operations, efficiency and effectiveness of communication.
- Attend monthly e-board meetings and provide updates on web site upgrades, maintenance, etc.
- Submit transition report and training for website design, social media accounts and updating at the close of office.
- Maintain active communication with Regional and Chapter Web Communications Chairs.
Skills Desired: This person should have experience in HTML5, WordPress, CSS, PHP and JavaScript. Java, Python or SQL would be a plus.
All executive board positions are voluntary and unpaid. To inquiry and apply for this position, please email “info@nsbenyc.org” with the subject “Director of Telecom Application”. Please include a resume or link to online portfolio of work.
Job Category: Software Development Telecommunications
Job Type: Part Time
Job Location: Remote